Monday, July 25, 2016

TV Show - Mr. Robot - Season 2, Ep. 3

Note: Major spoilers for the episode of Mr. Robot.  You have been warned.

     In episode 3, we see Elliot still struggling with keeping control of Mr. Robot, while also trying to keep his grip on reality.  He talks to Tyrell on the phone, but after he is done talking to him, he can't be sure that it was even real.  Mr. Robot tells him that it is only a matter of time before he has control, but Elliot decides it's time to take action.  He gets ahold of some Adderall, as he thinks that the drugs will keep Mr. Robot suppressed.  This leads to a hallucination where Elliot is kidnapped and forced to drink concrete mix, which causes him to throw up the pills.  Realizing that Mr. Robot is responsible, he picks the pills up out of his own vomit and swallows them again.
     Meanwhile, Mobley has a flashback with Romero, where he is trying to recruit Romero to the crew, and to rent the abandoned Amusement Park building they are hiding out in through most of the first season.  We also get a story about how f society came to be, which I thought was a nice touch.  After the flashback, we see Mobley going to visit Romero and finds that he has been killed.  He meets up with Darlene to say that he thinks the Dark Army is cleaning up their mess, namely them, and killing them off one by one.  Darlene says this is ridiculous and says she will talk to Elliot.
     We are also introduced to a new character, and FBI agent named Dom.  She is on the scene where Romero was found dead, and apparently looks down on the local police taking care of the scene, as they fry Romero's computer before they can get any information off of it.  She also visits with Romero's mom and finds some clues about Mobley and the others, and goes off to try to track down additional information.
     Angela goes in to visit with Price, whom tells her that he wants to switch up the interview she got on the last episode.  She agrees and goes to walk out, but then turns and says she thinks she is right on this one.  He seems impressed that she stood up for herself and agrees, while inviting her to dinner.  She shows up, thinking it's a date, and there are two other men from E Corp. at the dinner.  After the dinner, Price excuses the other two men and tells her that these men were there when the deal was signed that led to her father's death.  He gives her incriminating evidence against the two men that will ruin their lives, and tells her that once she gets rid of her emotion, she will know what to do.
     As Elliot continues to take his pills, and is subsequently losing sleep, he gets a bit crazy, in a legitimate funny set of scenes where we see a different side of Elliot.  But as time goes by, the pills are losing their effect, and his lack of sleep is catching up to him.  He knows it is inevitable, but is still trying to fight it.  He is at one of his groups when he loses it and goes off on a tangent to the group, and then realizes that he has said it all out loud, and so he leaves the group and throws away his journal.
     Ray catches up to him at the diner where he has been hanging out, and tells him about how his wife was killed in a car accident.  He then tells Elliot that they are more alike than he may think.  Earlier in the episode, we also get to see that Ray has a darker side than we have seen.  He is trying to get a man to do something for him, and the man has been beat up by someone who apparently works with Ray.  The job he is trying to get the man to do is computer related, but the man says he can't do it, he doesn't know enough to get it done.  Ray leaves and decides that he needs to find someone else, which I assume is why he pursues Elliot.
     Elliot starts to open up to Ray a bit, and then realizes he is saying too much.  Ray then tells him that there is no control, and that life is just stumbling around trying to find your way.  Elliot then questions everything, and is wondering if Ray is right, when the pills wear off completely and Mr. Robot shows back up.  Elliot decides that instead of trying to get rid of him, he is just going to have to figure out how to deal with him and control him instead of the other way around.
     At the end of the episode, we see Agent Dom finding the abandoned building in the Amusement Park, with f society written on the side.  It looks like our crew may be in a bit of trouble.  Well, more then they already were.
     Tons going on in this episode, like most of the other episodes in this show.  Everything is so complex, and the way they deliver it all is nothing short of amazing.  I don't know how this show gets better each week, but it finds a way to do something new each week and to further develop all these characters in the hour of time they are given.  Rami Malek continues to get better and better in his role as Elliot, and if he doesn't end up winning the Emmy, I am going to be disappointed.
     As far as the overarching story, I am very curious to see where we go next.  There is a lot of storylines going on, but I'm very curious to see what Ray has in store for Elliot, what decision Angela is going to make with her new information, and where the new FBI Agent storyline is heading.  I can honestly say that there is no other show on television that I'm so excited about as Mr. Robot and we are only three episodes into the season.  I can't wait for the rest of the ride.

My rating for the episode is 8.5/10

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