Friday, July 8, 2016

Movie - The Nice Guys

Note:  Might be some minor spoilers, but will keep them to a minimum.

     The Nice Guys is a traditional buddy cop movie, other than that the "buddies" in this one start off not so friendly towards each other.  It is a pretty funny movie, but it certainly doesn't do anything ground breaking for the genre, but it does what it is supposed to and it does it well.  I wasn't so sure about Russell Crowe in a comedic role, but he actually doesn't do most of the comedic heavy lifting in this one, and Ryan Gosling carries the bulk of it as only he can.  Ryan Gosling is an underrated actor, in my opinion, and he shows in this film, and his many other films, that he can do just about anything that is asked of him.
     The movie starts off with two run down private detectives working on seemingly different cases.  But it doesn't take long before we realize that the two cases are in fact one in the same, and they soon cross paths.  They are reluctant to work together at first, but over the course of the movie, they realize that maybe together than can be more than just the losers that they think they are.  As the plot escalates and does a few twists and turns (unfortunately nothing that we don't see coming), the two realize that maybe their biggest problem was working on their own.
     The performances by all everyone in the movie is what it should be.  As I mentioned above, Russell Crowe doesn't do most of the comedy, he is more the straight guy in the act, but Ryan Gosling was very funny throughout.  I was also rather impressed with the actress that plays Ryan Goslings daughter in the film (Angourie Rice), as she was rather young, but she never felt that she weighed a scene down, and actually normally even added to the scenes she was in.  Not an easy task for someone in a movie with the likes of Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling, but I thought she did a rather good job of holding her own.
     The plot was ho-hum, and the movie was pretty predictable, but I thought that it was entertaining enough.  It never tried to be bigger than it was, and I think it almost embraced that, and just relied on the actors to carry the movie along.  Since I thought the actors did just that, it's hard to complain too much about the plot, as it did what it was supposed to do.  I would have liked to have seen a little more from the overall plot, but I was entertained throughout, and so I guess that is enough to say the movie was a success.
     I liked the movie, but I didn't love the movie.  The acting was in place, the movie was pretty atypical of the genre, but overall I left the movie satisfied.  I didn't go into this thinking it was going to change the way I watch movies, so I definitely wasn't disappointed.  If you are just looking for a couple hours of fun, with some pretty decent humor thrown in, then you could do far worse than catching this one, but I would say you will get the same effect by just waiting until it hits DVD.

My rating for the film is 7/10

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