Sunday, August 7, 2016

TV Show - Mr. Robot - Season 2, Episode 5

Note:  Major spoilers for the episode of Mr. Robot, you have been warned.

     I felt like this week's episode just flew by, as it was over before it had hardly even began for me.  There wasn't a whole lot that happened, but each moment just felt bigger as it is all leading to something bigger.  We got at least one big moment at the end, or so I think (more on that later), but I feel that there is a lot more coming on the horizon.  Another solid episode in what I feel is probably the most consistent show on television, if not the best show currently on television.
    We start with Elliot still hacking into the FBI, and letting Darlene know that everything is going to plan.  After Elliot realizes that the whole night is gone and the sun has come up, he tells the man that has been "watching" him to make sure he does what he is supposed to that he will need to talk to the IT guy from before.  The man tells Elliot that he will talk to Ray.
     Darlene goes to talk to Angela and tells her that she needs Angela to drop something off on the FBI floor at the E Corp. building, but Angela says she will just take her chances.  Darlene says she hopes nobody else knows about the CD, so Angela meets with her ex-boyfriend to see if he is going to say anything.  Shortly into their conversation, Angela realizes that he is recording their conversation and finds out that he has been talking to the FBI.  She gets up and leaves.
     Darlene goes to Elliot to tell her, and he gets mad that Angela has been involved.  He says that Darlene has to find a way without getting Angela involved.  Later, Angela reaches out to Elliot and says that she needs to do it, so they can wipe out whatever the FBI has on them, and Elliot agrees.  She asks why he has distanced himself from her, and he says that he wanted to talk to her again when Mr. Robot was gone.  He then says that his dead father is standing behind her, and she offers him help anyway she can.  The last we see of Angela in this episode is her arriving at Darlene's place after making sure she isn't followed, and the rest of the original crew is there, we assume to hook her up with the device she needs to plant.
     Dom is still looking through evidence when her and a team of agents are pulled away to China to discuss the hack.  Upon arrival, we see Whiterose, only in his actual persona, which is the Minister of Security for China.  In their meeting, she says that they want all the intel on the Dark Army, which causes a lot of tension in the room, but then Whiterose says they will give over everything they have.  At a party that evening, they have a very interesting conversation where he is trying to get to know her better, and also divulges a bit about himself that I thought was a bit much.  He shows her his dresses and says they are his sister's.  The next day, Dom finds out that he doesn't have a sister, and then at breakfast, two armed men come in and start killing everyone.  Dom takes out one of the men, but we are left not knowing what happens with the other one, as she is pinned down and we don't see what happens after that.
     We see Tyrell's wife talking to the man she has been protecting.  He says he wants it all to end, and tells her that he thinks someone is following him.  She tells him not to worry about it and everything will be okay.  She then has her bodyguard kill the man and make it look like a burglary.  Later, she gets a rattle in the mail, and we assume it is from Tyrell, which she gives to the baby.  Near the end of the episode, she gets a phone call and she asks if it is Tyrell.  We then hear a siren in the phone, and then she hears the same siren outside the house.  She runs outside, but no one is there.
     Elliot meets with the old IT guy, and they communicate back and forth secretively about what is going on.  The man tells Elliot to leave it alone, and wonders if Elliot knows what is on the website that Ray is running.  Elliot says no, and the guy brings up a website with all the log in information, leaving Elliot to decide if he wants to see or not.  Elliot hits enter, and sees that the website is some sort of black market for all sorts of terrible things, such as drugs, weapons, and even selling off slaves.  That night, Elliot is woken up by two large men, who drag him outside.  Ray comes out of his car and says, "I told you not to look," and it is revealed that the did something to the IT guy to find out that he had told Elliot about the website.  The episode ends with the two large men beating the crap out of Elliot.
     My big question is, is the final scene all in Elliot's head or did it really happen?  We have had similar things already happen, with the concrete scene a few episodes back, so it is definitely possible, but I feel like they may be going to the well too many times if that is the case.  If the sequence turns out to be real, then I think they will do something similar to what they did to the previous IT guy, where they beat him up, but then continued to get his help.  They will get Elliot to agree to continue doing what they need, but then Elliot will be more cautious the next time.  And then he will take them down when it is safe to do so.
     I thought the episode was pretty good, as I mentioned above, and continues to strengthen a pretty strong sophomore season for the show.  We are almost halfway through, and there is a lot of things going on, with no real resolution in site.  I like the slow burn effect that the show has going on, as I feel that it adds to the paranoia factor that the show has going on.  Each little thing could mean nothing, or it could mean everything, and so you have to pay attention to every scene and try not to miss something.  Otherwise, we may end up like Elliot and get caught unawares, and then we are getting beat up on the street.  Okay, so maybe not like that, but you get the point.

My rating for the episode is 8/10

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