Sunday, August 21, 2016

Movie - Sausage Party

Note:  There may be some minor spoilers throughout, but I don't really think that matters so much for this movie.

     I don't even really know where to start with this one, as I think that anyone who is even thinking about watching this movie already knows what they are getting themselves into.  There is a ton of bad language, sexual innuendo, racism, and ridiculousness, and I don't think that anyone that watches it would have it any other way.  If by some odd chance you wander into this without knowing all of the above, to which I say shame on you, then I would not be surprised if you walked out within the first five minutes.  All of that said, I enjoyed the movie well enough, but I think maybe I have just gone numb to this type of humor, and so I was just looking for something to set this movie apart from other Seth Rogen movies, and it just wasn't there.
     The movie follows Frank, a hot dog that is wanting to get chosen by the "gods" so that he can go to the Great Beyond and have sex with Brenda, the hot dog bun in the package next to his.  That's...pretty much it, there isn't a lot of other storyline here other than the fact that we all know when they get chosen, they are going to get eaten.  After they get chosen, but before they can leave the store, a jar of honey mustard that has been returned to the store has found out the truth, and tries to explain himself before throwing himself out of the cart to die before he can get eaten.  Frank and Brenda try to save him, but they just cause the cart to crash, and get separated from their friends, along with the main protagonist...wait for it...a bottle of douche (I'm not making this up, I promise).  So, the bottle of douche wants revenge for not getting to do his job, and spends the rest of the movie trying to hunt down Frank and Brenda, while they try to find the answers that lie on the other side.
     I really put down a lot more up there than I thought I would, but I almost felt that more clarification needed added as I kept typing.  It just snowballed, I'm sorry.  Anyway...the movie doesn't shy away from anything, and I mean that literally.  There are things that could not be shown in a normal Seth Rogen movie, such as the douche going down on a juice box to resupply himself after losing he springtime freshness, or a giant food orgy, but overall, the humor is the exact same.  They even poke fun at themselves at the end, letting everyone know that they are in on the joke the whole time.  While this is all to be expected of sorts, I felt that they didn't try to do anything special to stand out, and by doing a movie in full animation, that might have been something they wanted to do.  It felt like a normal Disney or Pixar movie, just with a bunch of extremely R rated content.  Maybe that is what they were shooting for, but I guess I was looking for something else, and that may be on me more than it is on the filmmakers.
     The voice cast was solid, and there were some truly laugh out loud moments, but mostly I just laughed a little inside as most of the jokes were predictable, but fairly well executed.  Nobody ever questioned Seth's timing, it has always been more about taste and just phoning it in, as his stoner vibe puts off, and this one was no different.  I watched The Night Before several months back, and I felt that in that movie, they were trying to be more than just a gross out comedy, whereas this one just said, "Nah, who cares."
     I did like the movie well enough, but I don't know that I would recommend it to anyone.  If you like this type of movie, and are just looking for something funny for an hour and a half, then feel free, but if you want a comedy that you haven't seen before, you probably want to look elsewhere.  I wanted to like the movie better than I did, but I just simply couldn't.  Other than a handful of truly funny moments, it was just a mediocre Seth Rogen movie, only animated.

My rating for the movie is 6/10

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