Tuesday, March 15, 2016

TV Show - Better Call Saul - "Rebecca"

Note:  Major spoilers for the episode of Better Call Saul, you have been warned.

     We got a much slower episode this week than last week, but they did a lot of character building and working on some other story plots, so I thought the episode was still pretty good.  It didn't have that big episode feel that last week's episode had, but you still need to flesh out some other things, and we got several pretty big revelations throughout the episode.  Mike wasn't nearly as present in this episode as he was last week, but he still got a couple of good scenes.  This episode was primarily about Kim, which we really haven't gotten a lot of her story, more about what effect she has on Jimmy and his life.
     We start with a flashback of Chuck and his wife, and they are making a dinner.  Jimmy is coming over for dinner after his first week at the firm, in the mail room, and he tells her that they need a sign in case Jimmy gets to be too much for her, so he tugs on his earlobe.  She says that everything will be fine, and then there is a knock at the door and Jimmy is earlier, which looks to frustrate Chuck.  During the dinner, Jimmy starts telling a bunch of lawyer jokes that he heard in the mailroom, which just further annoys Chuck, but his wife seems to be enjoying it.  Chuck tries to give her the sign, but she basically ignores him.  After the dinner, when they are going to bed, she says that Chuck was worried for nothing, and that she liked Jimmy.  Chuck then tries to tell a joke, and she just looks at him funny, and then realizes he was trying to be funny, and laughs a little bit at his joke.  Chuck looks a bit dejected by her reaction.
     Back in the present, Jimmy keeps calling and leaving messages for Kim, telling her that he thinks he found a way for her to get out of dock review.  As he goes to leave for the night, a girl by the name of Rebecca walks into his office and says she has some notes about some of his documentation, and wants to go over them with him.  There are a ton of sticky notes on the document, and Jimmy says he'd rather look at it later, but she insists.  He then realizes that Rebecca has basically been assigned to him to make sure he is doing everything on the up and up, and so he tells her he is going to grab a pen, but then leaves out the back door.
     He goes to see Kim, who is still working in the basement at almost midnight, and shows her what he has in mind.  He wants her to sue the firm, for extortion, but she gets frustrated and berates him for trying to always find the easy way out.  She says that all that will do is ruin her career, and to just leave, she will take care of the mess herself and doesn't want his help.  He tells her that this is all Chuck's doing, but she says that is actually Jimmy's doing, not Chuck or Howard.  Realizing there is nothing more he can do, he leaves.
     The next day, he shows up at the office, and Rebecca is already waiting for him.  He tries to make up an excuse for why he left the night before, but she doesn't really want to hear it and just wants to go over the notes.  Later, the two of them drive to the police station, where Mike is working, and Jimmy asks him what happened to his face, making several jokes.  Inside the police station, Jimmy tries to bribe the clerk with a beanie baby to get his court date moved up, but Rebecca stops him and says she is just trying to help him not get in trouble.
     Next, we see Kim with a bunch of post-it notes, and she is making all sorts of phone calls, but they all end the same.  She gets frustrated and they don't really want to hear what she has to say.  It appears she is trying to land a big client, so she can get out of dock review.  She comes back from her lunch break having been unsuccessful.  We then see several days pass with her getting the same responses everyday.  After the montage of her getting rejected, she gets a phone call and she picks it up and goes out to the hallway.  Upon answering it, we see that one of the people has called her back and wants to set up a meeting with Howard.
     The woman that Kim was talking to, and her employer, someone high up at a bank in the area, shows up and meets with Kim and Howard.  As they are leaving, it looks like everything has worked out and Kim tells Howard that she will follow up with the lady and make sure to get all the information they need.  Howard says that he will put someone else on it, since Kim is busy in dock review.  She thought that by securing this client, she was going to be back in Howard's good graces, but it doesn't appear that is the case.
     Howard goes to see Chuck, and tells him about the new client.  Chuck seems impressed, and thinks that Howard landed the deal, but he says that Kim was the one that did it.  Chuck then asks if she is out of the dog house, and Howard says, "We will see."  And so we see that Jimmy was wrong after all, and it was Howard all along, and Chuck had nothing to do with Kim being in dock review.
     The next morning, Chuck shows up at the firm really early, to get in there before everyone else is there due to his condition.  He runs into Kim, and they sit down to have a conversation and to drink some coffee.  Kim asks if she has a future there, thinking that maybe Jimmy was right after all.  Chuck responds by telling her a story about his father.  Chuck and Jimmy's father owned a store, and Jimmy worked there when he was younger while Chuck was at college.  Chuck came home on break and found out that their father was missing $14,000, and that he found out that Jimmy took the money over time.  He tried to tell his father, but he wouldn't believe that Jimmy had done it.  He then had to sell the store, because he ran out of money, and he died six months later.  Chuck says that Jimmy means well, but that he has a problem and he can't help it.  He says he will talk to Howard and see if he can help Kim out, because he says she isn't the first person to have to clean up after Jimmy.
     To end the episode, we see Mike sitting at a diner.  A man walks in and asks if he can sit down.  For those that watched Breaking Bad, we know that this is Tuco's uncle, referred to on that show as Tio, but he was in a wheelchair and couldn't talk on Breaking Bad.  On here, however, he tells Mike that he wants him to go to the cops and say that the gun was his, and that Tuco took it from him during the fight.  He says Tuco will still go to jail, but not for as long, and he says this would be in everybody's best interest.  He tells Mike to think about it and leaves, and Mike gets angry as the man walks away.
     The ending was a really nice touch, as we got to see another character from Breaking Bad show up, and due to how Tio was on that show, it leads us to believe that Mike will have something to do with putting him in that wheelchair.  That may just be speculation on my part, but I think it is a solid guess.  As far as the rest of the episode goes, I thought the story that Chuck told Kim was a really nice touch.  I also thought the flashback was really good in giving us some more detail about these characters that we haven't gotten a ton of backstory on.  Overall, I like the episode, I just didn't love it, but I did feel that most of what happened was necessary to keep the story moving along, so I will take an episode like this every now an then.  I just think that after last week's episode, nothing they did this week was going to feel as good, so it was probably a good time to do this episode and give us some more meat to the overarching story.

My rating for the episode is 7/10

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