Thursday, March 17, 2016

TV Show - 11.22.63 - "The Truth"

Note:  Major spoilers for the fifth episode of the 11.22.63 mini-series, you have been warned.

     We start this week's episode where last week's episode ended, and that is with Sadie finding the recording in Jake's basement of Oswald and his wife getting "intimate."  Sadie storms out of the house with Jake behind her, trying to explain, but she doesn't want to hear what he has to say.  She asks why he has been lying, and he tries to explain by lying to her again, which she sees right through.  She says that she can't trust him and tells him to leave her alone and runs off.  When Jake goes in to the school the next day, Deke tells him that it would look better for him to resign as opposed to being fired, and so Jake agrees.  On the way out, Mimi is back and tells Jake that she thinks this is all a big mistake.
     Jake doesn't get time to think about what has just happened, because the day of Governor Walker's assassination attempt has come, and so he gets to figuring out the plan with Bill.  He takes Bill to Walker's house and shows him where the bullet came from, so they know where they need to be hiding out to see if Oswald is the one that pulls the trigger.  He also points out a church nearby that gets out right at the time of the assassination attempt, which is theorized to be how Oswald got away without being seen.
     Next, we see Jake and Bill double checking everything, and Jake tells Bill that they have to account for everything because they are going to be going against the past, and anything could go wrong.  However, the one thing that Jake would have never thought to plan for happens, as he gets a phone call from Johnny Clayton, Sadie's husband, telling Jake that he has taken Sadie hostage and that Jake should come over to talk.  Jake calls Bill and tells him that he is going to have to do it on his own, and he runs to Sadie's house.
     Jake arrives to find Sadie with a bloody rag over her head, and Johnny with a gun to her head.  Johnny pulls the rag off to show that he has cut a huge gash down the side of her face, saying that she will never be pretty again.  He says that Sadie has caused a big stain on their marriage, but he is a door to door salesman, and he knows just the cure for big stains.  He pulls out a pitcher of bleach, pours a glass, and sets it down in front of Jake.  He then tells Jake to drink the entire glass or Sadie will die.  Sadie tries to create a distraction by dropping a glass bowl on the floor, so Jake can get a shard to fight off Johnny, but before he can do that, the doorbell rings.
     Bill goes up to the Oswald's apartment and offers Marina a cigarette.  She sits down and smokes with him, saying that Oswald is asleep.  They make some small talk before Oswald comes out the door and asks who Bill his.  He says he just wanted to borrow some ice, and Oswald asks him if he has ever read Marx.  He gives him one of the books and tells Bill that inside he will find "the truth."
     Jake is told to answer the door, and he finds two of Sadie's students, delivering a basket for her.  He tells them to leave it on the porch and to get out of there.  They realize something is up, but they leave the basket and go.  Jake comes back in and sits down, and once again Johnny tells him to drink the bleach and this is all over.  Jake picks up the glass, but throws it in Johnny's face, and pulls Sadie into the other room.
     Johnny starts shooting wildly, because he has been blinded.  He is listening for them to move so he can fire in their general direction, so Jake throws his watch to the other side of the room, causing Johnny to fire the wrong way.  When he does, Jake grabs a fire poker and puts it into the side of Johnny's head.  Johnny drops his gun, and Sadie picks it up, firing it into his chest, killing him.  As Sadie is taken to the hospital, the cops want to ask Jake questions, but Deke shows up and tells them that Jake can answer those questions at the hospital.  He asks Jake if he killed Johnny, and Jake says yes.  Deke says, "Good."
     Oswald is leaving his apartment and says he is going to the library, so Bill goes to the governor's house to wait and see if Oswald fires the gun.  While he is waiting, the church lets out, and Bill thinks he sees his dead sister, so he runs to her.  When he gets there, he finds out that it was not his sister, and then he hears the gunshot.  He was not there when shot was fired, and so he has no idea if it was Oswald or not.
     Back at the hospital, Jake explains his story to the cops and they seem to believe it and say that is all they need from him.  He then sees the governor come into the hospital, so he calls Bill to ask what happened.  Bill is crying and tells him that he missed it, and apologizes.  Jake just drops the phone and walks away.  He goes in to see Sadie and when she wakes up, he says he is done lying to her.  So he tells her that he is from the future, and she takes it surprisingly well.  They are talking as the episode goes off.
     Another solid episode in the bag, with three more to go.  I found the Johnny/Sadie/Jake scenes to be particularly good, even if the end was a little over the top for me.  I felt like there were many times that Jake could have done something, but waited to throw the bleach in his face instead, but overall I still liked how it played out and Johnny got what he deserved.  I also found it a little strange that Bill really thought he saw his dead sister, but he did explain that they never found the body and so he thought maybe she was still alive.  Minor gripe, as the past was pushing on him in his own particular way, just as Johnny kidnapping Sadie was pushing on Jake.  The distractions were enough to keep Bill and Jake from the scene of the assassination, so the story continuity made sense.
     I feel like there should still be a lot to the story, but with only three more episodes, I believe they are going to have to cram a lot in.  I'm fine with that, because the how episodes seem to just fly by, which is a plus, so long as they don't lose the story and make it feel too rushed.  So far, that hasn't been a problem, as they have been putting a lot into each episode, and I think it keeps getting better and better each week.  I'm really excited to see how the rest of this thing plays out.

My rating for the episode is 8/10

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