Thursday, July 16, 2015

Let's Talk About That Scene - New Blog

Hello everyone,

     My name is John McCarty, and I have decided that I'm going to start up a blog.  I have been writing as a hobby for the past five years or so, and I have had a lot of people tell me that starting a blog is a good way to work on my writing skills, as well as a way to start networking a bit and getting my work out there for people to read. 
     I have thought long and hard about just what I want to do with my blog, and so I came up with the idea that I should do something I have a lot of interest in, and that is the world of entertainment.  I love movies, music, television shows, video games, etc., and so I thought that the best thing for me to do was to start a blog about these interests.  And so, I intend to write reviews of these interests, and hopefully can provide some insight and hopefully a little bit of my unique perspective on things.
     So, if you have wandered across this blog, and you share some of these interests with me, I hope you choose to join me on this adventure of mine and can provide me with some feedback, comments, and your own general thoughts as well.  And so, let's talk about that scene...

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